The Four Seasons – Education Project for Schools

The Four Seasons is famous among musicians and music lovers, and lends itself to continual renewal and reinvention. This project is created around our ballet The Four Seasons by choreographer Jenna Lee. We believe The Four Seasons is a very accessible piece of classical art to inspire young children, and our lessons offer students an introduction to this famous work through a range of listening and creating activities.
This project takes place over 3 x 50–60 minute lessons, and is aimed at students in KS1 and KS2.
Requirements for lessons:
- Able to play video and audio clips
- Art supplies for painting / sketching pictures
- Space to move around (lesson 3)
- Camera to capture artwork and send to NEBT at
Curriculum links for students:
- Understand how music tells a story and sets a scene
- Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds (increase aural memory)
- Identify orchestral instruments
- Respond to music with an illustrative interpretation
- Illustrate dancers and musical instruments
- Understand dance as a physical and athletic exercise
- Understand how dance movements tell a story
- Respond physically to music
- Understanding numeracy in music through rhythm